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- Written by: Daniel Rose
What can localities do to fix derelict and/or blighted properties? This is a question that frequently plagues localities throughout Virginia, and is a problem that was successfully tackled and brought to a favorable outcome by Melisa Michelsen of Litten & Sipe on behalf of the City of Winchester using a statute with very little precedent or any known examples of prior usage – Virginia Code § 15.2-907.2. That statute provides that a locality may be appointed to act as a receiver to repair real property that contains residential dwelling units. Put another way, a locality may be appointed to oversee the repair of residential property that has fallen into very poor condition, sort of like a trustee overseeing the property.
Read more: Michelsen Resolves Derelict and Blighted Properties using Receivership Statute

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- Written by: Litten & Sipe
Litten & Sipe is excited to announce that Daniel Rose has joined the firm as an associate. Daniel brings a variety of experiences to the Litten & Sipe team.

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- Written by: Litten & Sipe
Litten & Sipe is proud to announce that Stephen T. Heitz, Melisa G. Michelsen, Jason J. Ham, and Jason A. Botkins have each been listed among Virginia’s “Legal Elite” by Virginia Business Magazine and designated at “Super Lawyers” by Virginia Super Lawyers Magazine.

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- Written by: Litten & Sipe
Melisa G. Michelsen appears before the Supreme Court of Virginia.
At Litten & Sipe, we value the experience and level of expertise that our attorneys and paralegals offer our clients. Our cases range from local governmental disputes to Virginia Supreme Court cases.

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- Written by: Litten & Sipe
- By Laine Griffin -
Jordan Bowman's first dream was to be a full-time rock climber, but being a lawyer turned out to be his true calling. Bowman, who has lived in Harrisonburg for most of his 33 years, spent years learning the law. Now an attorney with Litten & Sipe, he will become a partner on Jan. 1.

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- Written by: Litten & Sipe
- By Josh Gully -
FRONT ROYAL – The Board of Supervisors at its regular Tuesday meeting hired an interim county attorney, temporarily filling the void left by former County Attorney Dan Whitten's resignation to become Prince George County's lawyer.

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- Written by: Litten & Sipe
Litten & Sipe hired as City Attorney by City of Winchester.
The City of Winchester, Virginia, has hired Litten & Sipe as City Attorney. Litten & Sipe was one of four firms which submitted proposals for the position, which had previously been an in-house with the City.